Monday, October 19, 2009
it's my birthday and i'll cry if i want to
Monday, October 5, 2009
things i heart muchos
2. Ruby Woo lipstick from MAC.
I'm a HUGE mac girl and I about died when I saw this lipstick. It's seriously like the most perfect shade of red
3. TOMs Shoes. Like the coolest thing EVER!

My birthday is coming up in exactly two weeks and GASP!!! I'm gonna be 24.
Holy friggin' Hannah that seems old.
and yes, i am very aware of how awesome my paint skills are. don't be hatin'
I love them. Seriously. I.Love.Them. But, not in the freaky fan girl way. That'd be weird since I'm like a hundred years older than them.
Nick will you you marry me???
OK, seriously, best idea EVER!
These movies rock and to have them up on the big screen again is amazing.
But it gets even more amazinger (yes i know how horribly wrong that sentence is) they decided to show both movies not only in 3D but as a double feature. That means you get two movies for the price of one.
And whats even more amazinger-er are the features they made just for the intermission. They quiz kids on movies and have little features for you to watch while you wait.