I've decided to jump on the band wagon and join the likes of
Lauren aka awesome person and do a post on things that I heart
So, without further ado please welcome my list:
1. My new hair cut.
Adorable right?
2. Ruby Woo lipstick from MAC.
I'm a HUGE mac girl and I about died when I saw this lipstick. It's seriously like the most perfect shade of red
3. TOMs Shoes. Like the coolest thing EVER!
Have you ever heard about what
TOMs shoes does? For every pair of shoes you buy they give a pair to a child in need. To learn more click
here. 4. Scarves!
I absolutely adore scarves and it's finally getting to be cold enough to wear them. Woot Woot for cold weather!
5. Fall
I'm not sure if there is any other season that is as glorious and vibrant as Fall. The colors are so rich and fiery and the weather. Oh don't even get me started on how much I LOVE the crisp weather that Fall brings.
6. My Birthday
My birthday is coming up in exactly two weeks and GASP!!! I'm gonna be 24.
Holy friggin' Hannah that seems old.
and yes, i am very aware of how awesome my paint skills are. don't be hatin'
7. The Jonas Brothers
I love them. Seriously. I.Love.Them. But, not in the freaky fan girl way. That'd be weird since I'm like a hundred years older than them.
Nick will you you marry me???
8. Toy Story Double Feature in 3D
OK, seriously, best idea EVER!
These movies rock and to have them up on the big screen again is amazing.
But it gets even more amazinger (yes i know how horribly wrong that sentence is) they decided to show both movies not only in 3D but as a double feature. That means you get two movies for the price of one.
And whats even more amazinger-er are the features they made just for the intermission. They quiz kids on movies and have little features for you to watch while you wait.
9. Elder Holland's talk during the October 2009 LDS Conference

Elder Holland's talk left me speechless. The amount of power, conviction and emotion that he is able to bring to each and everyone of his talks just amazes me. I love his no nonsense way of looking at the world and the gospel and I strive to be more like him one day.
To listen to one of the most amazing talks aver click
Hope you enjoyed. Now i gotsta get back to work :0(
Hi Ashley -- thanks so much for visiting my blog! :)
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