This is my bucket list. I quite like it. I hope you do too. If not that's alright. I just wont be friends with you anymore. Except that I will, because that would be stupid if I stopped being your friend because you didn't like my bucket list. Although, it would be pretty stupid if you didn't like my list. I mean come on, it's a list of totally awesome things that everyone should want to do.
- Run like Phoebe from the tv show Friends
- Go on a hiking tour of New Zealand
- Visit the Black Forest in Germany
- Visit France, specifically:
- Tour all of Scotland
- Tour all of Ireland
- Try haggis
- Visit Crete and Meteora, Greece
- Go on an Alaskan cruise
- Go backpacking in a different country (other than those listed above)
Tour the sloth sanctuary in Costa Rica
- Go cliff diving
- Run a half marathon
- Kiss a complete stranger
- Go skinny dipping
- Learn the entire dance routine for Thriller
- Learn the entire dance routine from Napoleon Dynamite
- Learn how to knit
- Grow my very own vegetable garden
Learn how to reupholster furniture
- Bake a pie
- Attend a masquerade ball
- Learn the tango
- Audition for a play
- Be an extra in more movies
- Write a letter to each of my family member letting them know how much I love them
- Try Kobe beef
- Go rock climbing
- Build a fort in my living room
- Volunteer at a soup kitchen on Thanksgiving or Christmas
- Go to the airport and take the first flight that leaves
- Dance in the rain
- Play in the mud
- Skip somewhere instead of walking
- Visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter (at least once)
- Attend Mardi Gras
Visit every state in the US
- Create my own super hero outfit
- Pay for a stranger's groceries
- Provide Christmas gifts/dinner for a family in need
- Give $100 to a stranger
- Spend Independence Day in Boston
- Spend St. Patrick's Day in Ireland
- Go snorkeling
- Get a degree in French
- Volunteer at a Children's hospital
- See a Broadway musical
- Be in a flash mob
Learn to snow board
- Learn to ski
- Go sailing
- Visit Stonehenge
- Learn Gaelic
- Travel via train
- Ride a horse bare back
- Make a quilt
- Swim in an ocean
- Have family pictures taken
- Go on a family vacation
- Take Archery lessons
love you, love me
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